Thursday, February 2, 2012

What If?

What if to add some variety to your day, you introduce something new. It could be as simple as driving down an unfamiliar street or a street you haven't taken in some time. What new experiences could you have by creating this one small change in your day?

On my way to teach a yoga class one rainy morning last week, I took a new short cut. It wasn't intentional. It was a last minute quick left turn. Thankfully there was no on-coming traffic. Instantly, I was mentally transported to a different rainy day when the boys were little. My surroundings reminded me of our many visits to the library for story time, and our other travels around town. If I let myself, I could actually "hear" Christopher and Ryan sitting behind me, buckled into their boosters, and giggling sweetly. This experience led me to think, what if? What if, we are just open to new possibilities?

Later in the morning, I had to run errands in Ridgewood. Rather than parking right outside the store, I parked at the top of the Avenue, grabbed my umbrella and walked in the drizzling rain. More 'what if's' poured into my brain. What if I wrote down on a piece of paper all of the careers that might have been fun to pursue. Actor? I could take a local acting class through the community program. Teacher? I could volunteer at an elementary school to share some talent that I have. Master Gardener? Well, I'd have to get past my fear of killing the plants first. Maybe I can start with one small plant. I just have to let myself try.

Another what if comes to mind - What if things don't go as planned? A fun appointment gets cancelled. A friend can't visit. How do we handle these small disappointments that at times can feel so big? Well, just like moms plan rainy day activities for small children, we need to have have our own bag of tricks readily available. What if: you write down 20 things you would like to do. The first 5 or 10 might be easy, but for the rest of the list you might have to do think of things you used to do --like when you were in your 20's or even as a kid. Or maybe it's things you would like to try, but haven't ever had the chance. Let this be your basket of tricks. We just need to be open to try.

WHAT IF? fill in the blank.


  1. What if I hadn't rearranged my Fridays years ago so that I could join the Moms Journaling Group....I never would have met you Suzanne.


  2. That is pretty cool, Mary. Is that when we first met? You have a good memory.

  3. And, what if I hadn't dated Billy...Thank you for always giving me the motivation to open up and try to accept that which is not always good. Can't wait for our reunion in 2012, ok?!! Miss you! Susie

  4. Susie, that is so true. But I actually don't always do that either --there are many things in this life that I just can not accept. Can't wait to see you too!

  5. I think being open to new experiences even the ones that may seem so small is really important and underrated becuase as you say, if you are not open to possibilities you may be giving up on some of life's sweetest surprises. You should publish a book of inspirational stories to help everyone get more perspective. Thanks for sharing!
