Friday, March 30, 2012

Standing beside me

As I turned to leave Rocca's Cafe the other night, I glanced down at the floor and noticed a petite woman not much taller than me standing at the counter. It was her new french pedicure and her bright yellow flip flops that caught my attention. Flip flops and bare feet -- two reminders that the warmer weather was definitely here. Just the thought of summer brought a lightness to my step.

Then, I noticed beside her a boy around 13 in a red and white running shirt -- he towered above her by about five inches. My heart clenched and my breathing paused. Then as if I was learning a new concept, I thought 'Ah, yes, children grow and can become taller than their moms -- especially their petite moms.' On my way out, I couldn't help but wonder what Christopher would look like standing beside me.